So far, federal and state governments, not-for-profits, private and public companies, development organisations and higher education institutes have all been keen to pay me to help them out.
The common thread through all of these has been writing and communication. From websites and newsletters for small associations and 16 character online ad copy, to annual reports, steering committee strategic plans and training seminars. And there was plenty more in there as the years went by too: Video tutorials, staff presentations, public addresses and media releases, content, strategy, review, evaluation, proofreading and publishing.
Freelance editor, writer, trainer
Based in Phnom Penh, I'm currently working as a freelance editor and writer on paid and voluntary projects to get more experience in the development sector. I'm working to connect my knowledge of corporate communication and CSR with the real work of delivering programs in developing countries.
Contract project coordinator
Tatts Group Annual Report
July 2016 – September 2016
For the second year running, I worked with Tatts Group to project manage the production of their Annual Report to shareholders. One of the most important documents for a publicly listed company, this tells the world what the company has been up to for the previous 12 months, and how well they did it. The FY16 report included several areas of expanded reporting, including the sustainability and remuneration reports. Together with the sale of part of the UK section of their business just prior to year's end, this made the already tight deadline more challenging. Long story short, the report went out on time, on budget, and on spec. Everyone was happy. You can see the finished product on the Projects page.
Contract researcher, writer
Open Development Initiative
January 2015 – June 2016
As well as the articles and page content that you can see on my Projects page, I've worked in paid and volunteer roles at ODI to produce reports, website content, staff training and stakeholder workshops.
GM, Internal Communication and Engagement
Wotif Group
June 2013 – March 2014
After eight years in this organisation, I had the chance to combine my love of the company family and communication skills in this unique role. I helped shape and structure the company's values that had been developing over the years, but never formally articulated. CSR, internal communication strategies, staff publications and intranets were all part of my domain.
GM, Marketing and Communication, Asia
Wotif Group
June 2010 – November 2011
Based in Bangkok with a small team of business development and marketing professionals, I let Southeast Asia know all about our three different travel brands:, Asia Web Direct and LateStays. We focused our efforts on Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia, spreading the love through social media, email campaigns, travel exhibitions, and some of the greenest shirts Bangkok had to offer.
My specialisations and interests
Corporate Social Responsibility
Communication theory
Staff engagement
Corporate communication
Plain English writing
Lower Mekong development topics
Marketing and public relations
Online content management
Email marketing
Stuff I can use
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
(InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver)
Video tutorial software
(e.g. Camtasia, iMovie)
Content management systems
(e.g. WordPress, Drupal, Wix)
Visualisation tools:
(e.g. Tableau, Datawrapper, CartoDB)
Industries and sectors
Development NGO
Gaming and lotteries
Online travel and accommodation
Marketing and communication
Academic editing
Social welfare
Arts administration
Where I've worked
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Brisbane, Australia
Bangkok, Thailand
Gold Coast, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Report into forest protection in 33 communes
Prey Lang Community Network
August 2014 – November 2014
The Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) is a grass-roots organisation of indigenous groups living in the prey lang forest of Central Cambodia. For years they have been working and fighting to protect what remains of some of Southeast Asia's last pristine forest, which also provide their homes and livelihoods. This report, published in both Khmer and English, was the result of 12 months of fieldwork by PLCN researchers, recording the state the forest, and the people who rely on it to survive. I was privileged to work on re-drafting, editing and finalising the English version of the report for publication.
Corporate Social Responsibility (and later Wotif Group)
2006 – 2012
It's not like Wotif wasn't being socially responsible, or that they weren't a good corporate citizen from day one—with co-founders like Graeme Wood and Andrew Brice, of course they would be! I just made sure it was a deliberate and measured part of their identity as they continued to grow. Shaping the thoughts of management and staff around CSR into some policies and internal practices that would support the business was a passion of mine. In the early days, I took this on in addition to my day job as Content Editor.
Associate Editor
Australian Journal of Communication
ISSN: 2202-9222
2006 – 2013
After working on a research project as part of my Communication degree, I was invited back to the editorial team the following year, and for several more years after that. The journal was founded in 1976, with strong ties to the University of Queensland at the time I worked for the journal.
Guest Lecturer, Online Editing & Publishing
University of Queensland
2008 – 2013
At the invitation of Associate Professor Roslyn Petelin, I gave regular lectures to the Masters in Writing, Editing and Publishing students. Mostly I enthralled my audience with tails of the developing online publishing and editing world, and producing content for websites.
Society of Editors, Queensland
Management Committee member
2006 – 2010
Society of Business Communicators, Queensland
2006 – 2009
Bachelor of Communication (Culture)
University of Queensland
2003 – 2005
This was a lot of fun. No, seriously! I majored in Communication and Culture, and threw in enough writing and editing subjects (including a final research project), to get noticed by Associate Professor Roslyn Petelin, convenor of the Writing, Editing and Publishing program, whom I worked with for several years following my degree.
I also founded the Communication Students' Association in my spare time, which I believe is still soldiering on as part of the Journalism and Communication Students Association at UQ.
Advanced Diploma in Salvation Army Ministry
SA College of Advanced Education
1994 – 1996
You didn't know the Salvos had their own education institution, did you? Apart from learning how to march in a straight line and sing with gusto, there was a curriculum of theology, social welfare, communication, public speaking, event planning and time management. Living on campus for two years also meant I learnt a lot about building community, conflict resolution and pool maintenance.
I was elected to the students representative council in my first year, and again as president in the second year.